

当Frederick Winslow Taylor在福特汽车公司推行科学管理体系的时候,那时他们需要工厂流水线,以及在车间工作的工人,因此制定了相应的等级流程和组织架构,这成为当时公司经营的常规方式。在过去的100年中,我们不知不觉地进入了知识工作者的时代,这也是乐土的现状。但是,我们不能像管理工厂中的螺丝钉那样管理知识工作者。我们必须承认,对于最复杂的问题,创意和解决方案其实就在我们周围的人中。
For me, an important takeaway that has helped shape how I look at the world is respect for people should be our absolute requirement and fundamental base on how we work with one another. In the salmon canneries in Alaska, most workers do not have a lot of advanced education. In fact, it is the opposite. Most people working in the canneries do this because they don’t have high levels of education. This does not mean that they are not smart – in fact, many of these people are so street smart and have such deep expertise in their respective lines of work that I felt humbled and awed to learn from them.
I think this is true in every role I have ever had, and I always embrace a deep respect for learning from others – and I pledge to carry this mentality with me here at Cheerland. I expect everyone to exercise respect for people, and you can expect this of me – that I will treat you with respect at all times. This means no shouting, yelling or baiting. This applies to everyone at all levels. This does not mean we cannot be human. We should support one another, interact and laugh together, but it is also important that interactions be kept on a respectful and supportive basis.
One of the greatest challenges that all of us will have in our respective leadership journeys is to stay deeply inspired; to keep dreaming about doing very big things for Cheerland, which in turn means doing big things for China and the world. The opportunities to give in to cynicism, rumor and innuendo are all around us, we may encounter negativity in our daily work. As you go through this leadership journey, your leadership journey, as you face challenges, you will surely face the question of do you want to give up on your dreams? Do you want to give up on the possibilities of improving human life?
My invitation to you is to find places where you can deeply reflect on your purpose. In my own world, I marvel at the magic of medicine and how they can help patients. The fact that we can find or develop a medicine, a miracle that fits in the palm of your hand, that can dramatically improve a patient’s life, to cure malaria or cure cancer, is pretty extraordinary. We unpack 4 billion years of evolution with every single medicine that is created. So, find your story of inspiration. Find your way of communicating that story of inspiration. That will not only help those around you stay inspired, but it will also have a powerful effect on your own state of mind.
The second invitation I have for all of you is to stay deeply curious. I think this is one of the hardest things to do, especially in our modern world today where we are bombarded by WeChat, AI newsfeeds – things that are trying to make us less curious. Trying to lock our minds into a single point of view. The truth is, in order to operate in an incredible complex world as a leader, you have to stay deeply, deeply curious. You have to ask the question of what can I learn from the individual in front of me? What can I learn from the alternative point of view? If you want to make big things happen, that’s the power of questioning and the power of curiosity.
Alongside of that, there’s a harder part of curiosity. It’s the journey of self-curiosity. Leadership requires deep self-awareness. You have to be curious about your own mindset. You have to be curious about what is going on insider of you. This is actually the key to authenticity. Everybody is in search of authentic leadership. The source of authentic leadership is not outside of you, it is by looking inside of you. So please stay deeply curious about yourself.
My last invitation is to be an “Unboss” and to bring this to our Cheerland culture. You see, the corporate world is slowly learning the wisdom that we actually had in the ancients. When you go back to the Tao Te Ching in 4th century B.C. in China, it is all about “Servant Leadership.” Somehow along the way, we lost that.
When Frederick Winslow Taylor worked at the Ford Motor Company, they realized they had factories, they needed people to work in the factories. They needed hierarchies, org charts – that was how to run a company. Somehow along the way in the last 100 years, we’ve moved to a world of knowledge workers. But we cannot manage knowledge workers like cogs in a factory. We have to accept for the most complex problems, the ideas and solutions are actually in the people around us.
I believe that if we embrace the notion of Unboss in Cheerland and within everyone’s respective organizations, we can make this an even more powerful company. Don’t misunderstand me – I am not saying we have no hierarchy and we no longer of have bosses. Rather, take responsibility for what you can control, look for direction when needed and support one another as we advance on our collective journey. Here’s the thing, the source of power for leadership is not where you sit on an org chart. The source of power for a leader is your ability to create possibilities for the people around you. That is your only source of power. If people are following you because of your org chart, you have already lost. People have to follow you because they believe in your ideas and they believe in your values. So be an Unboss. Let’s Unboss our organization and Unboss ourselves. If the reason you pursue something is because you want to please the hierarchy, you have to ask yourself is that really the right reason or do you want a deeper accountability in yourself as to why you do things.
Now, when we look at human beings as a species, I reflect a lot as to what is unique about our species; some great books have been written about this. We are a very unique species in our ability to communicate, to tell stories. But what I think is most unique about us, is our ability to imagine. When we imagine things, we can make incredible things happen. The power of the human mind to imagine possibilities is what has allowed a science based world to have so much progress.
Thank you all for the opportunity to speak with you and for all you do to make Cheerland a success. Let’s have a fun and wonderful journey together. Thank you.
(Script by Daniel Brindle; edited by John Ma for length, clarity and accuracy, and emphasis added.)